Disability Inclusion Training

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Topic: Disability Inclusion Training
Time: Nov 1, 2020 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Wendy Atkinson is an occupational therapist with over thirty years of experience in working with clients with varying levels and types of disability. She is the owner of Cornerstone Therapy Associates a private practice located in Ashland, Va. Additionally, Wendy has a specialty certification in sensory integration and presents trainings on sensory issues throughout the state of Virginia to schools, businesses, day supports/group homes, ABA facilities and non-profits.

She is very passionate about this topic and wants more people working with clients with disabilities to understand how effective this intervention can be in the care of clients, and how helpful it can be in increasing their level of participation across all environments and decreasing behaviors that decrease or block their access to learning and other opportunities. She has currently copyrighted her information and presentation and is building a train the trainer program so this educational piece can be taken further into the communities to support families and clients. She works collaboratively in the community as well serving as a consultant to several teams and boards to assist in the training of volunteers. She additionally ran the disability ministry at her church for 16 years and the last two years is on sabbatical training and teaching churches how to support these families and clients.

Currently, one of her favorite consultant volunteer positions in as a consultant to Wings of Hope Ranch—and program that supports students with all kinds of challenges by matching them with a horse who was also rescued and has challenges. She hopes to help all of us to better understand sensory and how it effects ALL of us—and how interventions can be powerful for success in daily life.

This presentation will begin with Scripture to talk about what Jesus says about disability and the church and will help begin your journey in becoming an inclusive church. We will also discuss what inclusion is, and develop some skills for understanding disability, and sensory and behavioral reactions in children and adults. We will also talk about how to set up your environment for success, while learning tools of knowledge and understanding for dealing with reactions/behaviors. We will talk candidly about loving ALL people and how the church should be the catalyst for this, rather than lagging far behind the secular world.

温迪·阿特金森(Wendy Atkinson)是一位有三十多年经验的资深职业理疗师。她在弗吉尼亚州创办了一家私人诊所Cornerstone Therapy Associates。此外,Wendy拥有感觉统合(简称“感统”)方面的专业证书。她长期致力于整个弗吉尼亚州针对学校、企业、福利疗养院以及非营利组织的有关感官问题的专业培训。Wendy对感统训练工作充满热忱。她希望更多的人关怀帮助特需人士,并更好地了解感统干预的有效性,以此帮助特需人士减少行为问题,融入社区,有更多机会冲破外界阻碍并获得更多发展的机会。

Wendy的培训和报告目前都获得版权。她正在建立“Train a Trainer(培训培训师)”计划,以便将她的经验能够进一步被推广到社区,帮助需要的家庭。她在社区中协同工作,并担任多个团队和委员会的顾问,以协助志愿者培训。此外,她还在她的教会中负责特需人士服侍工作长达16年。在过去的两年,Wendy帮助里士满地区数间教会开展包容特需人士的服侍工作。目前,她最喜欢的无偿志愿者工作是为希望之翼牧场担任顾问。




Kefu Dorion
