Our History
In the 1990s there was only one Chinese church in Richmond,VA. It was the Richmond Chinese Baptist Church at south side of Richmond. Due to the increasing number of Chinese people moving to west end of Richmond, VA the church commissioned out a small group to start a church plant in that area. On January 9th,2000,the new church plant started meeting at Gayton Baptist Church. The congregation increased the number rapidly,so in 2004, it became an independent church, called Grace Chinese Baptist Church of Richmond (GCBCR). GCBCR increasing number severely challenged the parking space and facility usage of the host churches over the course of about one decade. This led to the decision to build our own church building. In June of 2012, the construction of a brand new church building was completed in Goochland county on a 22 acres land. This became the permanent location of the church. In 2024, for the purpose of expanding the Gospel outreach and footprint, GCBCR English Ministry is now also known as Living Hope Church RVA, and the website is www.livinghopeRVA.org.
Richmond 在1990年代,原只有一间华人教会,即位于南区的华人浸信会。鉴于华人越来越多居住于Richmond 的西区,因此华人浸信会决定在西区开展新的事工。于是在2000年元月九日借用了Gayton Baptist Church 开始了西区的华人崇拜事工。由于人数逐渐增加,西区的崇拜在2004年成为独立的教会,命名为华恩浸信会。华恩浸信会的连续成长使得地主教会的停车位和使用场所产生拥挤现象,我们曾经换借了三个美国教会,并数次将崇拜改为主日下午聚会。如此的变动影响了教会的发展,全教会便决心自己购地建堂。感谢神的大能和恩典,在2012年六月我们终于有了一个美伦美奂的新堂,耸立于22亩的草地之上。如今,我们有两堂中英文崇拜,共有200多人参加。并且有中英文的儿童,青少年,大学生,职青,妇女,成人,长青,多个小组,和团契,以及各级的主日学。我们还有五到六个中英文分区祷告会。我们极盼望在本地区的华人同胞能够参与我们,一起享受在耶稣基督里的恩典。2024年,为了扩展福音传播和足迹,华恩教会英语事工现又称为Living Hope Church RVA,网站为www.livinghopeRVA.org。
We tell you the good news: What God promised our ancestors
– Acts 13:32 –
– 使徒行傳 13:32 –